by: Iron Crown Editorial Team
I wonder if she noticed that I tripped over my words in our conversation at lunch today….what if he thought my dress is unflattering on me…was that text I sent earlier too much?
We’ve all had thoughts like these race through our heads. Maybe every once and a while for some, perhaps every 5 minutes for others. Anxiety about how others perceive us fills our minds with insecurity, fear, doubt, leaving us in a constant state of seeking our validation from those around us.
Girl, stop it. You’re better than this.
First and foremost, you need to write down (yes, write!) this exact quote from top female role model, former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt: “You wouldn’t care so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do”. This quote completely changed the game for me, and I promise it will for you too. The key phrase here is “how seldom they do”, aka people are not paying attention to every detail of your life.
I hate to break it to you, but unfortunately, people aren’t honing in on every nitty gritty thing you do.
Why? Because in the same way you are so concerned about your choices and characteristics, they are worried about theirs too! Think about it, do you really remember what Hannah from Marketing’s embarrassing moment in the team meeting was? Or were you too busy thinking about what you wanted for lunch later that day? Did you honestly notice how Sarah repeated her outfit this week, or were you too caught up in wondering if yours looked good? In both scenarios, you’re more than likely too wrapped up in your own thoughts to be concerned with the states of others. You aren’t thinking about them, and guess what? They aren’t thinking about you either.
So, what does this mean for you? FREEDOM.
You can truly do whatever makes YOU happy! No one is honestly going about their day paying attention to your every move. And if they are, that says something about them, not you. Embrace the freedom in knowing that the only person whose thoughts should truly matter to you are yours. Your job is to do what makes YOU happy. If someone has something to say about it, that’s their problem, not yours. So take the risk, reach for the goal, accept the challenge.
The only opinion you have to consider is your own.
Have you been able to overcome the fear of what other people think?
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